NEW EXHIBITION: Art. Music. Activism. Kurt Jackson, Glastonbury and Greenpeace.
March 21 – May 9, May 19 – August 15 2020.
Kurt Jackson has been Artist-in-Residence at the festival for twenty years, raising over £250,000 for the festival charities Oxfam, Greenpeace and WaterAid via sales of his Glastonbury works.
This immersive exhibition looks to share a selection of his work as Artist-in-Residence as well as celebrating the 50th anniversary of both Glastonbury Festival and Greenpeace.
These paintings and sketches show festival royalty looking out across their massed ecstatic armies, veiled travellers from the Sahara cradling their guitars like electric scimitars, lost revellers fluttering around the lights of a doughnut stall and panoramic landscapes of the vast faerie city of mud and scaffolding, neon and wood smoke that swirls across the Vale of Avalon after summer solstice.
Please visit for more information.