The ever brilliant Caught by the River posted a poem from the Kurt Jackson’s Sea book.
Caught by the River have posted the Kurt Jackson poem Filthy Weather Makes Beautiful Seas which begins with the following verse:
Rain spotted, spattered, spitting patter
On a square of arm span canvas
Pewter skies
Gunmetal seas
And ochre, green, bone, ivory
Sienna, indigo, yellow
Marine tints and tones (stained)
A flowing tide approaching
My personal patch of sand
Please click here to read the full poem –
Caught by the River is an arts/nature/culture clash which lives at It began as an idea, a vision and a daydream shared between friends one languid bankside spring afternoon. Conceived as an online meeting place for pursuits of a distinctly non-digital variety — walking, fishing, looking, thinking, birdsong and beer, adventure and poetry; life’s small pleasures, in all their many flavours — it was, and still is, about stepping out of daily routines to re-engage with nature. Finding new rhythms. Being.